I finally got round do using this film that I got off kickstarter. Its described as having a 'unique chemical formula that desaturates the colours, mutes the tones and makes the contrasts pop'.
From what I've seen, its been used a lot for more urban and city shooting, as the tones the film has is more suited for that.
However I decided to see how it fared with images that already had a lot of green in them. Some of the results were great, but with a couple of them, everything in the image just mushed into one greenish tone. The pictures just looked too busy with too much going on in the image. Overall I'm fairly happy with the results. They're maybe a little too green than what I was expecting, however next time I think i'll see how it is when there's at least some cloud cover and at a different ISO
The film is a variable ISO film and can be shot anywhere between 100 and 400, so you have the benefit of changing the look of each image by shooting at different speeds. However, I decided to play it safe and just shoot all mine at 200 - taken in bright direct sunlight.
One last thing, don't be alarmed if you develop your negatives and they come out a weird greeny blue colour instead of the standard orange, that's just the colour of the negatives
200 ISO | f8 | 1/250s
Mamiya C330f | Lomo Metropolis | Sekor 80mm